ARISTOTLE, ALHAZEN, Roger BACON, Leon Battista ALBERTI & Leonardo DA VINCIpl-aristotle-en.html
 Girolamo CARDANOpl-cardano-en.html
Giovanni Battista della PORTApl-porta-en.html
Leonard DIGGESpl-digges-en.html
Johann KEPLERpl-kepler-en.html
Pierre HÉRIGONE & Johann ZAHNpl-herigone-en.html
Althanasius KIRCHERpl-kircher-en.html
Kaspar SCHOTTpl-schott-en.html
J.C. KOHLHAUSpl-kohlhaus-en.html
Anonymous (esp. 18th century)pl-anon18th-en.html
Johann Heinrich SCHULZEpl-schulze-en.html
Charles François TIPHAIGNE DE LA ROCHEpl-roche-en.html
J.W. RITTERpl-ritter-en.html
Joseph Nicéphore NIÉPCEpl-niepce-en.html
Louis Jacques Mandé DAGUERREpl-daguerre-en.html
Thomas WEDGWOOD (1771-1805), Sir Humphry DAVY & William Henry Fox TALBOTpl-wedgwood-en.html
Eduard PETITPIERREpl-petitpierre-en.html
Cyrus MACAIREpl-macaire-en.html
John J.E. MAYALLpl-mayall-en.html
Édouard-Denis BALDUSpl-baldus-en.html
Sir Charles WHEATSTONE, Sir David BREWSTER et
Sir John F.W. HERSCHEL, Alfred ROSLING, J.B. DANCER, George SHADBOLT, Herbert WATKINSpl-herschel-en.html
Anonymous (USA)pl-anon1850usa-en.html
Poetus Photographicuspl-poetus-en.html
Lewis CARROLLpl-carroll-en.html
André-Adolphe-Eugène DISDÉRIpl-disderi-en.html
P.H. DESVIGNESpl-desvignes-en.html
FLOR & FINDEL, George A. COLE, Giulio GIANNINI, and other Italian booksellerspl-flor-findel-en.html
Francis FRITH, George Washington WILSON, Thomas OGLE, Russell SEDGFIELD, James VALENTINEpl-frith-en.html
Timothy O'SULLIVANpl-osullivan-en.html
ADAMS, ALINARI brothers & a host of doctors specialised in criminologypl-adams-en.html
Francis GALTON, Cesare LOMBROSO, Havelock ELLISpl-galton-en.html
Timothy O’SULLIVAN & Clarence KINGpl-osullivan-king-en.html
Alphonse BERTILLONpl-bertillon-en.html
Jacques Penry et
Wilhelm Conrad RÖNTGENpl-rontgen-en.html
Hippolyte BARADUC, Charles Vernon BOYS (1855-1944), Sir Arthur Conan DOYLE, DUCASSE-HARISPE, FINOT, FONTENAY, GUEBHARD, Charles MENDEL, Albert de ROCHASpl-baraduc-en.html
Eadweard MUYBRIDGE, Ottomar ANSCHÜTZpl-muybridge-en.html
Pierre-César Jules JANSSEN, Étienne-Jules MAREY, Thomas EAKINSpl-janssen-en.html
Charles Vernon BOYSpl-boys-en.html
Jacques-Henri LARTIGUE & millions of amateurs since 1880pl-lartigue-en.html
Alvin Langdon COBURNpl-coburn-en.html
Christian SCHAD, MAN RAY, Laszlo MOHOLY-NAGYpl-schad-en.html
Lee MILLER (Lady Lee PENROSE) & MAN RAYpl-miller-en.html
Willard VAN DYKE, Edward WESTON, Imogen CUNNINGHAM et
Walker EVANSpl-evans-en.html
August SANDERpl-sander-en.html
Robert DOISNEAUpl-doisneau-en.html
Diane ARBUS pl-arbus-en.html
Jerry UELSMANNpl-uelsmann-en.html
Elliot ERWITTpl-erwitt-en.html
David HOCKNEYpl-hockney-en.html
Duane MICHALSpl-michals-en.html
Jan DIBBETS, Georges ROUSSEpl-dibbets-en.html
Hiromi TSUCHIDApl-tsuchida-en.html
Pol BURYpl-bury-en.html
Hiroshi OSHIMApl-oshima-en.html
United States of America Air Forcepl-USA-Air-Force-en.html

The Ou. Pho. Po considers that the photographers who figure (or not) in histories of photography have always followed constraints both scientific and artistic, but also theological, philosophical and ideological, be they conscious and/or unconscious, moral and/or immoral. The only discipline that can find them, pick them, peel, core and eat them is ’PATAPHYSICS.

The following is an extract (without the commentaries) from An Annotated History of Photography by Constraints, which the Ou. Pho. Po. has been compiling since 1995.

ϕ  = potential photography, or a potential photograph or potential photographer, depending on context (suffixes are given when required, e.g. ϕers = photographers).

Proposed names are given in Latin (where feasible) and always in inverted commas so as to distinguish them from period appellations (always given when known).

Anonymous (photocinisography)pl-anon-photocinisography-en.html


Paul STRAND (1890-1976), Henri CARTIER-BRESSON (b. 1908), millions of “photo-club” amateurspl-strand-en.html